A professional certification cost will always depend upon the training institution, mode of training in the country where people are interested to get themselves trained. Professional training will always allow the people to have the best possible exposure to the best practices in the world of leading, managing and directing projects in this particular certification is provided by the project management institution which will ultimately provide the people with global recognition.
The overview of the project management professional certification of the cost element has been explained as:
- Training and preparation cost: According to the project management institution completion of the PMP certification will always Require the people to complete 35 hours of training in this particular industry and the first component will be the cost of training. This particular cost involved in the training will always depend upon whether the candidates are interested to opt for the online or classroom programs in the whole process. It will also depend upon the country of residence in the whole system. In nations like India, the classroom training will be near about 15,000-Rs.40,000, online training will be near about 10,000-Rs.40,000 and the self-paced training will be near about 5000-Rs.15,000. The PMP certification fees will range from near about US$50 to 3500 US$ depending on the Institute of training, the format of raining and the country in which people are appearing in the exam.
- Certification exam and re-examination fees: The certification examination for the members and nonmembers will be in the cases of PMP certification with project management institution membership will be 405US dollars, without PMI membership will be 555US dollars the PMI membership fees will be US$139 which will be bifurcated into 129US dollars along with $10 fees of one-time application. The re-examination fees for the project management institute members will be 275US dollars and for the nonmembers will be 375US dollars.
- Renewal fees: The PMP renewal fee is 129US dollars per year also after earning the 60 professional development units in the three years cycle in this particular area so that people can have a good command over the entire thing without any kind of hassle element in the whole process.
The comprehensive examination will be including 200 questions and out of this candidates need to score 175 questions because 25 will be the pre-test questions. The duration of the examination will be four hours and for this purpose, people need to be clear about the percentage-based categories of the topics. 13% stands for initiation, 24% for planning, 31% for execution, 25% for monitoring and controlling, and 7% for closing the project. So, being clear about all these kinds of categories is very much important in the whole process of dealing with things. Apart from this people need to be clear about PMP certification cost so that they can become successful in the long run and there is no hassle at any point in time. Hence, having clarity about the cost element is vital so that people can clear the examination very easily.
Equipped with a Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) degree, Lucas Noah stands out in the digital content creation landscape. His current roles at Creative Outrank LLC and Oceana Express LLC showcase his ability to turn complex technology topics into engagin... Read more