Some are asking what could be done after rooting the phone. They have no idea about rooting. I need to ask them what cannot be done after rooting the Android device, Therefore we intend to show you what can be done after rooting procedure has been completed. Below we have listed some important rooting apps which do not use frequently. Some apps need to be get paid but It is worth getting them though we have to pay some amount.
1. Root file explorers
This will allow you to see your all folders on your device, such as valuable data which is normally hidden or protected.
- Mount /system RO/RW
- Root Explorer
- ES File Explorer
2. Moving and removing Apps
This means you can move or remove your valuable data, apps or whatever from system apps to data to system. You may do this with a risk attached. Make sure you have enough space on your partitions.
- Titanium Backup – This will help you to Back up all of your apps and data. Also this allows you to uninstall or freeze system applications, also gives updates into your ROM in order to save space, move apps to SD card, and many more.
- apps2rom – This will do the same as what the pro version of titanium backup does for you. That means it will let you to move your apps to the system partition.
- Bloatfreezer – This will help you to Freeze or remove system applications.
- Link2SD – Move (system) applications to a second partition in SD card, liberating loads of free space in partition.
This has some issues and also advantages and you better see whether you have enough space in your SD card. Ideally the SD card should be more than 16GB.
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Equipped with a Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) degree, Lucas Noah stands out in the digital content creation landscape. His current roles at Creative Outrank LLC and Oceana Express LLC showcase his ability to turn complex technology topics into engagin... Read more